Business Immigration

The category of Business immigrants are individuals who can invest in, or initiate a business in Canada that contributes to enriching the Canadian economy and support the progressive economic activities of Canada


Start-up Visa Programs

The applicant should achieve a Canadian Language Benchmark 5 in listening, reading, writing, and speaking fluency in either English or French. Also should possess a sufficient amount of capital/funds to support one’s living and later business venture.

Moreover, have a support commitment from a specified appointed venture capital fund, business incubator, or angel investor group located and validated in Canada.

Self-Employed Persons

In order to qualify, you must have an experience in self-employed in cultural activities, or athletics or participate in world class level in cultural activities or athletics, or combination of both.

Questions? Call us!

Monday to Friday from 9am to 9pm.
NY local time. International call.

Customer support

Do you have any questions? Send us an e-mail and we will reply to you as soon as possible.